Home > Artworks > vanessa somoza dominguez

Photo of vanessa somoza dominguez Spain

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Somoza Vanessa Dominguez, born in Sarria on September 2, 1976, from a little girl shows her penchant for drawing, perhaps influenced by a childhood of art and it comes from wood carvers family of artisans. From age 10 to 15 go to the shop drawing and painting Avari, a renowned painter of his hometown.

Later on, with several exhibitions of paintings behind her, decides to enroll in the School of Arts and Crafts...

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31.50 x 23.62 in
15.75 x 19.69 in
15.75 x 19.69 in
11.81 x 11.81 in
11.81 x 11.81 in
11.81 x 11.81 in
11.81 x 11.81 in
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Somoza Vanessa Dominguez, born in Sarria on September 2, 1976, from a little girl shows her penchant for drawing, perhaps influenced by a childhood of art and it comes from wood carvers family of artisans. From age 10 to 15 go to the shop drawing and painting Avari, a renowned painter of his hometown.

Later on, with several exhibitions of paintings behind her, decides to enroll in the School of Arts and Crafts Lugo Ramon Falcon where Superior Technical ago in Graphic Design.

In 1999, inspired by their artistic interests is a co-founder of the Avari Cultural Association, based in Sarria, reaching nearly a hundred group of multidisciplinary artists from all over the Spanish geography and part of Portugal, performing and promoting many exhibitions and trying to bring art to everyone.

Between 2003 and 2004 made two murals in collaboration with Bob Guerrero for the Church of San Francisco Javier de Lugo. Works as an instructor of drawing and painting at the same time as graphic designer for several companies and as free-land.

Also in 2003, is one of the illustrators of the journal of poetic Xistral of Lugo.

From 2003 until now develop a great graphic design work in both Tenerife and in Galicia, conducting corporate identities, advertising and decoration. Displays of this is the work done in collaboration with G. Leandro Escudero Cecchini Ceballos in the Cafeteria Tenerife South which includes interior design, corporate image building and advertising design.

Exhibition painting:


2007-2008 - Cultural Center Los Cristianos, Arona, Tenerife.

2005-2006 - Cultural Center Los Cristianos, Arona, Tenerife.

2002 - Meigas and Goblins, Sarria, Galicia Art Biennial.

2002-Gallery Burela, Burela, Art Competition.

2001-Gallery Burela, Burela, Art Competition.

2000 - Meigas and Goblins, Sarria, Galicia Art Biennial.

2000-House of Culture, Foz. "In search of the sea I".

2000-Casa del Mar, Burela. "In search of the sea II."

2000-Casa de Cultura de Quiroga. "In art."

2000-Teleclub, old school Salcedo, O Caurel (Lugo). "I go into Salcedo."

1999-School Froxán (Lugo). "Tra-the Avari glued Caurel not."

1999-House of Culture, Sarria. "O froito dun shop." 1996 - Meigas and Goblins, Sarria, Art Biennial Galicia.

1995-IBM Sarria, exposure of students at the school.

1994 - Meigas and Goblins, Sarria, Galicia Art Biennial.

1993-Teixo Cultural Association, Casa de Cultura de Sarria.


2008-Gallery Manuel Marquez, Orense.

2005-Art Gallery José Lorenzo, Santiago de Compostela.

2004-Cafe-Pub Xarop, Sarria.

2004-Cafe-Pub La Guara, Sarria.

Café Concert 2002-Coto, Monforte de Lemos. "Sorrows".

2002-Casa de Cultura de Monforte de Lemos. "Between dream and reality."

2001-Recreativo Cultural Circle "O Saviñao" Escairón. "Saudades".

2000-NH Alfonso IX, Sarria. "Dreams."

1997-Pub Vaquería, Sarria.

1996-Pub Week-End, Sarria.

Works in:

-House Quiroga culture.

"Casa del Mar de Burela.

Recreation-Cultural Circle O Saviñao.

-Casa de Cultura de Monforte de Lemos.

-Church of San Francisco Javier de Lugo.

Galeria de Arte José-Lorenzo, Santiago de Compostela.

-EAAOA Ramón Falcón, Lugo.

-Faculty of Fine Arts, Pontevedra.

-Private collections.


Illustrations -2003 Xistral poetry magazine, Lugo.

Artists-Guide de Galicia, Xunta de Galicia.

-La Voz de Galicia, El Progreso, El Correo Gallego

-Voice-Onda Cero Radio, district of Sarria

-Tele-Tele 7 Escairón Monforte -TVG

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